Spring and Renewal

POSTED BY Dr. Erika Schultz, Denver Nutritionist, The Resiliency Method,Functional Medicine, Acupuncturist | Apr, 18, 2019 |

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the Wood element, and is a time for growth, renewal, and new beginnings.

Although sometimes it doesn’t feel like it here in Colorado, spring is on its way!

As I was walking my dogs around the neighborhood the other day I noticed several crocuses breaking through the brown winter grass.  These beautiful little flowers were my mental solace in the blizzard we experienced just a couple days after.

Spring renewal also has us at Paramount Wellness thinking about the physical and mental changes that can arise rapidly at this time of the year.  The contemplative, quiet energy of winter and the sudden, frenetic growth of spring can bring about some sudden and unexpected emotions.

If we have followed nature’s way and taken a winter rest, we too emerge into spring ready, energetic and “raring to go” – with clear vision and a sense of purpose.  This is the season to plant seeds for a future harvest, to look ahead and make new plans, formulate new ideas, make decisions, and determine our direction for the coming year – and to take action.

In Chinese Medicine, spring is associated with the Wood element. The power of wood is gentle, persistent, and filled with creative potential.  Wood gently penetrates the earth to bring forth water, the source of all life.  If we can imagine drawing energy up from our roots, we can find the energy to push forward with strength and firmness of purpose, while remaining flexible, and staying true to our nature.

How to make the most of your Spring:

  • Begin your day early, go outside! Start your day with 20 minutes of sunshine.  Go out to your back yard, patio, or walk the dog.  Like all plants and animals, the sunshine will encourage growth! Watch your trees bud and leaf, watch the early spring bulbs push themselves from the earth, look for bird’s nests, listen to their morning songs.  Start a garden. Eat your greens!

Interestingly enough, this morning sunshine can help you sleep at the end of the day.  The light helps our bodies create an optimal circadian rhythm. It helps to kickstart your cortisol, which we need to get out of bed and get into our day. When cortisol drops at the end of the day, it encourages melatonin production, and sleep in turn!

  • Begin something new – at home, in your work, in yourself.  This is the season for reinvention, look at people and situations with a new perspective.  Let new growth cover old angers, brush away resentments and allow relationships to start fresh.  Marie Kondo your kitchen cabinets or your shoe closet.  Start a fun project at your house.  Make things, do things – just begin!
  • Consider how you can make ready for summer – think ahead.  The frenetic growth of spring is fleeting, so try and use it wisely.  Be mindful of the seeds you are sowing in yourself, your work, and your life – how do you want to harvest them? The energy of spring brings vision, use it to imagine the fruition of your new beginnings.

Article Resources:

SPRING: The Season of Renewal; the element of Wood

