Overcoming the Stress and Anxiety of COVID-19

POSTED BY Dr. Erika Schultz, Denver Nutritionist, The Resiliency Method,Functional Medicine, Acupuncturist | Mar, 25, 2020 |
overcoming covid stress

If you have an optimized nutrition program you are someone who is at low risk for catching COVID-19. Nonetheless, stress takes a toxic toll on the immune system making it extremely important to manage your fear, stress, and anxiety. Here are some of our suggestions for keeping your immune system working its best.  

Stay Calm

Calm is not the culture being promoted by the news outlets, and as more and more of Colorado moves to shelter in place, more and more routines are being flipped on their head. With schools closed and working from home being the new norm, here is what you can do to stay calm.

  • Clean up your information diet. Limit the amount of news you are consuming. Many headlines are fear mongering. Choose outlets that are promoting positive headlines. Choose two or three news outlets to follow and give yourself a time limit. 
  • Book an acupuncture appointment. Acupuncture can help to reduce stress, can increase clarity, and can help to boost immunity. 
  • Breathing Exercises Sit down, close your eyes and observe your breath. Notice the temperature, texture, and where oxygen is travelling in the body. Notice if your breath feels choppy or short. Your nervous system positively responds to full belly inhales and long exhales. Give yourself a few minutes. 
  • Meditation There are many online meditations available to help manage stress; observe without judgment and encourage sleep.
  • Exercise Take a  walk. You can also do yoga at home or choose another modality of exercise inside of your home.Many of the local studios and gyms  have online options readily available.

Limit Travel Flights are amazingly low, we know. Airplanes and airports are a hub for germs and travel can be especially stressful at this time. If you must travel, here are a few guidelines:

  • Book a Window Seat There will be one less person you have to bump shoulders with.
  • Bring Wipes Wipe down your area before you settle in, wipe the tray arm rests and any other surfaces you might have to touch.
  • Bring Hand Sanitizer If you do not have access to a hand washing station, hand sanitizer is an effective way to clean your hands. Use sanitizer after touching surfaces, making exchanges with other people (money, goods, services, etc.) 

Wash Your Hands Seemingly it goes without saying, wash your hands. We have to go to the grocery store, the gas station, and run errands. When you return home, wash your hands. Be mindful, it is important to keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose. 

Sing happy birthday twice as you wash your hands, or sing twinkle, twinkle, until they sparkle sparkle.


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TAGS : Coronavirus disease COVID-19