Understanding and Combating Insomnia: Five Proven Techniques to Sleep Better

POSTED BY Dr. Erika Schultz, Denver Nutritionist, The Resiliency Method,Functional Medicine, Acupuncturist | Aug, 28, 2024 |

Introduction to Insomnia

Insomnia is a phenomenon almost everybody experiences at some point in their life. And most of us don’t know how or why it happens.  Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, despite being tired. Combatting insomnia may be easier than you think. Here are five simple ways to fall asleep faster and stay asleep all night.

ways to improve sleep and reduce insomnia

1. Turn off your phone to Beat Insomnia

In today’s digital age, we are almost surgically attached to our phones, tablets, and laptops. While these devices keep us informed and connected, they can also negatively impact our sleep quality. Smartphones and other gadgets emit blue light, which suppresses the production of melatonin—a natural hormone that induces sleep. This light can stimulate the mind, leading to insomnia. To improve your sleep and reduce insomnia, consider using a traditional alarm clock and turning off your phone before bed.

2. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is crucial for combating insomnia and improving overall health. Just like eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep is essential. Prioritize sleep by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends. Research shows that lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure, depression, weight gain, and increased stress. By sticking to a regular sleep routine, you can train your body to fall asleep more easily and reduce the likelihood of insomnia.

3. Practice Meditation to Relieve Insomnia 

Many people groan at the thought of meditation, believing it requires turning off their minds completely. However, meditation is about acknowledging thoughts without dwelling on them, helping to calm the sympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation. Different types of meditation, such as guided meditation, can be particularly effective for beginners. Incorporating meditation into your nightly routine can significantly help combat insomnia and improve sleep quality.

4. Try Bedtime Yoga for Better Sleep 

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical exercise, mental clarity, and spiritual awareness. Performing bedtime yoga poses, such as forward bends, happy baby pose, and corpse pose, can signal to your brain that it’s time for sleep, reducing insomnia symptoms. For those more experienced, inversion poses like shoulder stands can help alleviate stress and calm the mind, further promoting restful sleep. Click here for a guided bedtime yoga.

5. Consider Acupuncture as an Insomnia Treatment

You might be surprised to learn that acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, can effectively treat insomnia. By placing needles on specific points of the body, acupuncture helps restore balance, calm the mind, regulate hormones, and relax the nervous system. Many individuals notice improvements after just one session, but a series of treatments is recommended to fully address insomnia. Always seek out a certified and licensed acupuncturist for the best results.

Conclusion: Combat Insomnia with These Five Methods

There are many ways to combat insomnia, but these five methods are among the most effective. Give them a try and see which ones work best for you. Over time, your body and mind will thank you—with no harsh side effects, just restful, rejuvenating sleep. Sweet dreams! For more personalized support, visit us at Paramount Wellness for acupuncture and more.