What is the Function of Your Thyroid?

POSTED BY Dr. Erika Schultz, Denver Nutritionist, The Resiliency Method,Functional Medicine, Acupuncturist | Aug, 14, 2019 |
thyroid issues

Are you suffering from fatigue? Are you suffering from chronic pain? Do you have sleep issues? Do you have a poorly functioning immune system? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you have thinning hair? Do you have trouble with your sleep? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, keep reading because your thyroid might be to blame. 

Thyroid Issues

Thyroid issues are one of the most underdiagnosed health problems. It is likely you have been to visit your doctor. Your blood work may not have shown any signs of deficiencies but if you still are not feeling well, your thyroid might be to blame. 


Unfortunately there are significant amounts of misinformation, and a huge lack of awareness around thyroid issues. The American Association of Endocrinologists actually state that over 27 million Americans are having trouble with their thyroid, and most of them are females over 40. It’s actually estimated that nine out of 10 women over the age of 40 have some kind of subclinical hypothyroidism or difficulty going on with their thyroid. It has been underdiagnosed tremendously.


Your thyroid could be holding you back, but without further diagnosis it is difficult to begin the journey to a healthier you. We would love to help you find the underlying causes of your health concerns. 


If you are ready to take control of your health, give us a call, (720) 460-0766

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TAGS : chronic fatigue chronic pain fatigue sleep problems thinning hair thyroid