5 Reasons Your Health is Struggling to Improve

POSTED BY Dr. Erika Schultz, Denver Nutritionist, The Resiliency Method,Functional Medicine, Acupuncturist | Oct, 25, 2020 |
reasons for struggling health issues

Erika Schultz, LAc, MAcOM, ACN, Licensed Acupuncturist & Clinical Nutritionist
October 25, 2020


You have run into a roadblock with your health and you are frustrated and overwhelmed. You have seen multiple practitioners looking for answers and seem to get no or minimal results.

If you are getting results you end up seeing that they do not last long and often times you find after you have done something or have reached a plateau in your healing process and y ability to manage symptoms successfully.


One or more of these conditions can block your healing process.

The good news is there is hope with an evidence-based approach to healing through designed clinical nutrition called Nutrition Response Testing SM.

This topic will be covered in more detail later, but for now let us review the reasons you are not receiving the results you are seeking in your healing journey.



We are addressing his topic first as it is probably one of the biggest reasons why patients achieve variable or only minimal results when attempting to handle a health condition with more natural or “alternative” ways. The nervous system is vital when it comes to healing.

The nervous system is also the body’s regulator, it supports the body’s ability to have the adaptability it needs to adjust to an ever-changing environment.

There are two parts to the nervous system, not unlike your car.

There is the gas and the brake pedal. The gas pedal (sympathetic nervous system) supports your ability to adapt to stressors in your environment and is in charge of your day to day living. At certain times, the brake pedal needs to be applied (parasympathetic nervous system) which is in charge of resting and digesting.

This part of your nervous system is key for healing to happen. If one or the other gets stuck (the brake or the gas pedal) then dysregulation occurs.

Over time this sets the stage for disease to develop and declining health. This is also the main reason why healing interventions performed in the past have minimal or no results or may even make conditions worse. It is also why people who have spent years looking for alternative approaches to their condition are blocked in their healing process.

At Paramount Wellness, we identify the reasons why a client’s nervous system may be overburdened or not performing its job properly. Through our testing procedures, we uncover stressors that distract the nervous system

This often looks like miraculous results for patients, when in fact we are simply uncovering what had the body blocked in the healing process in the first place.



 Let’s face it, we are inundated with information about the latest and greatest diet fad or trend that promises weight loss and optimal health. The reality is that the latest diet trend or approach worked for the individual or author of that diet book/article but may not work for you.

Extensive clinical experience has shown that while there are basic principles most people can benefit from for the most part each person’s ideal diet is as unique as they are.

Diet programs like Weight Watchers will have you believe that healthy eating and weight management is a calorie counting game and that as long as you are within the appropriate calorie counts you will see results.

Our approach recognizes that it is more about the types of foods and combinations of foods that provide the proper nutrients and requirements for your body.

It also recognizes that especially at middle age and beyond weight loss becomes more complex and specific organs need to be addressed to restore metabolism and reverse the process of fat storing to fat burning.

The reality is, after years of eating processed and chemical-laden foods most of us are dealing with some level of digestive unrest (whether our symptoms are showing as digestive issues or not). The instability of the digestive system combined with unidentified immune challenges may cause over sensitivity to foods that are consumed.

Continuing to eat these foods will contribute to the blazing fire of chronic inflammation burning within your body, perpetuating symptoms of fatigue, pain, poor sleep, depression, etc.

Through Nutritional Response Testing SM we are able to quickly and easily identify foods that are contributing to the endless cycle of inflammation plaguing your body and causing inflammation.  Eliminating these foods out for 60-90 days will support and balance the digestive system to decrease inflammation so the gut can properly heal.

Nutrition Response Testing SM time and frustration for the patient who can often get overwhelmed with extensive food elimination diets.



In the world of nutrition there are good and not-so-good supplements. This can depend on a lot of factors, including raw materials, manufacturing processes and other chemical additives sometimes added.

At Paramount Wellness we only work with high grade whole food, herbal and homeopathic supplements offered through licensed healthcare providers and are comparable to the cost of commercial products. To learn more, download a copy of our free e-book “The Five Reasons Your Health is Struggling to Improve”.

Furthermore, in the arena of high-grade supplements there are distinguished approaches being utilizing by healthcare providers. Nutraceutical or synthetic supplements can sometimes serve a purpose for a short while but over the long run serve only as a band-aid fix.

While addressing a health issue with a vitamin/supplement is often more useful than a drug, the approach is still symptom management when attempting to only fill in the gaps with missing nutrients.

With the combined use of the testing procedures at Paramount Wellness and whole food nutrition protocol implemented at the cellular level leads to true healing over time.

Judith DeCava author of The Real Truth About Vitamins and Antioxidants, defines the difference between replacing lost nutrients with synthetic vitamins versus whole foods:

“Nature does not produce vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, or any other food components in concentrated or segregated forms, but merges and blends them, synchronizes them, for the body’s needs.

“The idea that ‘if a little is good, more is better’ leads to ingestion of mega doses of ‘high potency’, refined, separated “nutrients”, dismantled, disassembled, or artificially manufactured chemical supplements. This will ‘work’ for a short time, pharmacologically stimulating or suppressing. Eventually, this method backfires and causes complications, imbalances. The body works to eliminate the excess and what it perceives as foreign, non-food. It attempts to combine the isolated chemical and other members of the complex, which normally appear in food, taking rather than giving. Such supplements do not contribute to health, they only disrupt it. Balance and function, not quantity, are the keys.”

When it comes to nutritional supplements there is all sorts of advice in the mainstream media about which nutrients we should ALL be taking. A short while ago the claim was that we all need to be taking a vitamin D supplement. Then, magnesium was the nutrient in which we were all deficient. Nowadays, turmeric is the answer to every ache and pain and health issue. While there is some validity in the promises of each of these nutrients, the truth is they may or may not be right for your biochemistry.

At Paramount Wellness we offer over 300 high grade quality supplements. They are time-tested with thousands of patients to produce effective clinical results, however, it does not mean you should take any or all of them. The important thing is to figure out which nutrients your body is deficient in and to get to the root cause of your chronic health issues.



Most people with chronic conditions have been dealing with their health issues for years, sometimes since childhood. Because a symptom is your body’s last resort to indicate that there has been an imbalance for an extended period of time, it is unrealistic to expect that the issue will resolve in a short time frame. And that is an important distinguishing factor.

Nutritional healing corrects issues an issue at their root. When we correct imbalances at their source,  we see symptoms that seem unrelated simultaneously resolve, appearing as miraculous events.

Symptom improvement is encouraging and on a customized nutritional healing program provides the inspiration needed for a client to stay committed to their healing process. Symptom improvement and/or disappearance, however, does not indicate good health. The reality is, most health conditions are complex, and are caused by more than one stressor in the body. This is what is called delayering the body and can take time.

For example, if a condition has been present for 20 years it is not realistic to expect that it will disappear within a couple of months on a healing program (although most of our clients see symptom improvements in a very short time).

Using our Nutritional Response Testing SM combined with other advanced technological assessments our staff of trained professionals can get a sense of what your foundational health looks like providing information on how long the healing process may take for your body.



Most of us are quite aware that when it comes to our health there are specific things that we know we know. For example, the doctor says our triglycerides are high. We know this as an indicator of a less than ideal situation and that something is off in the body.

We also know what we do not know. Most people will then immediately ask a few questions of the doctor and may even turn to the internet and spend endless hours researching articles and reading research and blogs to better understand their situation,

What we do not understand is that there is a REASON behind a particular health issue. What we also may not know is that any number of causes can cause chronic conditions in the body and so when the source of the imbalance is identified, multiple issues that otherwise seem unrelated can be resolved, issues you would see multiple different doctors for using traditional medical care.

What is the solution? What is so unique in its ability to identify the factors that contribute to you and your biochemistry? First and foremost, consult with a professional. It is unlikely you would try to fix something as complex as your vehicle on your own when it breaks down. The question is why would you be willing to leave one of your greatest assets, your body, to a guessing game about what you need to do?



The human body has a remarkable ability to heal itself. The innate ability to maintain health and heal disease is always present and expresses itself as much as it is allowed to do so. No treatment or supplement alone ever truly “heals” the body. The body naturally heals itself when it is given the tools to do so.

At Paramount Wellness our primary focus is to identify anything that can interfere with the body’s natural healing potential and to support it the process by nourishing it with optimal nutrition.

Nutrition Response Testing SM is the culmination of decades of research and clinical testing. The technique has assisted thousands of people world-wide to recover from health problems and regain their health and well being. It works because it allows the practitioner to identify the underlying stressors blocking the healing process. The most common underlying stressors are food sensitivities, low grade immune challenges, heavy metal stress, chemical toxicities, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) and scars.

Because of the current state of our food supply and our environment, nearly everyone is being affected by these stressors to some degree. The interesting thing is that these stressors are relatively recent phenomena and are difficult to find with medical testing. This is the precise reason most people that end up in our practice did not find help with their health problem with the traditional medical approach.

In cases where hidden stressors are contributing to health problems, the root cause needs to be addressed before optimal healing and recovery can occur.

Nutrition Response Testing SM is a proven, workable way for uncovering such hidden stressors and finding the most effective means of handling them. It allows the practitioner to quickly and accurately find WHERE the problem is, what is CAUSING the problem, and what DIETARY CHANGE or specific SUPPLEMENTATION is needed to address the health issue.

The testing utilizes “applied kinesiology,” a science originally developed in the 1940’s. Applied Kinesiology (AK) is used around the world by a wide variety of healthcare practitioners. Nutrition Response Testing SM combines several different applications of applied kinesiology and is a repeatable form of analysis that can quickly and noninvasively shed light on imbalances and deficiencies.

Seeing or experiencing applied kinesiology (or “muscle testing”) for the first time can be quite surprising that something so simple and easy could provide such critical information for healing.

Yet it does, and we see the direct results from it in our office every day. After going through an initial consultation and analysis in at Paramount Wellness, we provide more detailed information regarding how the testing works scientifically for those who are curious to learn more about this amazing and unique procedure.

Thousands of people have been helped by this amazing approach to healthcare. Isn’t it your turn?

Join me on the journey toward taking control of your health once and for all!

For more information contact Paramount Wellness.

(720) 460-0766
6410 W. 44th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033




TAGS : food allergies food sensitivities muscle testing nutrition Nutrition Response Testing℠ nutritional supplementation