What’s The Deal With The Flu Vaccine?

As we all know, vaccinations are a very sensitive topic in the health industry. While flu season is around the corner, it’s important to understand why you should consider backing away from the conventional flu shot and strengthen your immune system naturally by using natural remedies instead. Unfortunately, despite what the CDC comes out with every year regarding the new flu strain, the long-term effects of getting an annual flu shot are very much unknown.
According to the former Chief Vaccine Officer at the FDA, “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.” If you look at actual statistics, it appears as if those who chose to get vaccinated annually may actually be less protected than those who are NOT frequently vaccinated.
Here is a list of some of the key reasons why you should re-think the flu vaccination this year:
- The flu vaccine contains a strain of mercury called Thimerosal, which is a heavy metal that can contribute to memory loss, respiratory problems, digestive issues, attention deficiency disorder, oral health issues, etc. Other harmful ingredients found in the vaccine include detergent, formaldehyde, and other unknown ingredients that can cause serious neurological disorders and nerve damage.
- The vaccine inserts a live flu virus into your body along with many other ingredients, which can overwhelm your immune system. This is especially harmful if you are already suffering from a suppressed immune system and have a hard time fighting off viruses. Getting a flu shot can put your body at dangerous risk by increasing your susceptibility to contagious diseases such a pneumonia.
- There is a greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease for those who have received the flu vaccine for 3-5 consecutive years compared to those who haven’t received flu shots.
- Vaccines DO have a history and correlation to causing chronic health issues. For example, in 2010, the World Health Organization found a link between the H1N1 vaccine and narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder. The government in Finland acknowledged this link and agreed to pay for lifetime medical care for 79 children who had permanent damage from the vaccine.
- Flu vaccines have a confusing history of effectiveness. For example, in 2014-2014 the nasal mist form of the vaccine most commonly administered to children, was still given despite almost no results in actual prevention of the flu. In 2016 it was finally taken off the market.
- Vaccines are not as strictly mandated as other drugs by the FDA. Pharmaceutical companies have found a profitable loop-hole in approval of vaccines because of “public health concerns”. These drugs are less regulated and studied in order to get them to the market faster- unfortunately turning health consumers into experimental subjects.
By strengthening your immune system, incorporating the right vitamins and minerals into your diet, and reducing stress, your body will be prepared to fight any virus that comes its way and reduce your risk of getting the flu. Many people don’t realize that 80% of your immune system actually lies in your gastrointestinal tract, which is why creating a healthy environment with friendly bacteria is vital for staying healthy this flu season.
By being on a customized nutrition program, you are ensuring that your immune system is ready to handle a flu exposure. I stress the importance of coming in and getting checked regularly so that if you start to get sick, you can weather the virus seamlessly!
Genera tips to avoid getting sick:
- Add more healthy Omega-3 fats to your diet (cod liver oil, salmon, sardines, flax and chia seeds)
- Incorporate oil of oregano and garlic into your diet, both of which offer protection against bacteria, viruses and the protozoa in your body
- Vitamin D is an effective antimicrobial agent that can help kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi
- Get a good amount of sleep and reduce stress
- Stay hydrated!
- Limit sugar! It’s no coincidence that the heart of the “flu season” is after Halloween and through Thanksgiving and Christmas.