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Paramount Wellness
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 91 reviews
 by L.C.

How was it then? 

I had a lot of back pain, brain fog, anxiety and no energy. I also was on thyroid medication for 15 years and suffered from dry skin and hair loss. 

How is it now? 

I have been off of thyroid medication for a year and all my thyroid tests come back normal now. I have more energy, no more brain fog and my back feels a lot better especially after I started taking collagen.

 by A.D.

"I have been on a program since before my pregnancy. I am confident that the program really set my body up for success from conception through postpartum. One thing Dr. Erika stressed to me from the beginning was to bring up anything going on and to not just assume it was normal pregnancy symptoms or just comes with the territory. For example, in my first trimester I had a lot of nausea and morning sickness throughout the whole day. I brought it up to Dr. Erika and she helped me alleviate these symptoms through my program. I also have had a really hard time with sleep even before my pregnancy but this was definitely elevated during my pregnancy. Again, a symptom I just thought from everything you hear as “par for the course.” When I brought this up to Dr. Erika, she was again able to help through my program. When I got to my delivery I couldn’t have asked for a more smooth experience. My body did exactly what it was supposed to do throughout the whole process. I feel that my body was as prepared and strong as it could be through taking excellent care of it through my program. Now I am a couple weeks postpartum, breastfeeding and still doing well. However, I know if anything does come up, I can bring that up to Dr. Erika and we can most likely adjust my program to help whatever is going on. I go into each phase of this journey confident that my body is prepared, that in turn leads to less anxiety and worry." 

 by S.S.

I used to have a tight feeling in my chest and throat and now its gone. I also came off of 2 medications that I was on for years.

 by E.C.

How was it then?

Irregular periods, painful breast swelling, consistent indigestions, bloating, gassy and irritated skin.

How is it now?

Periods 3 months in a row, no painful breast swelling, improved gut health, not gassy, rarely feel bloated and improved skin.

 by S.M.

How was it then?

Night sweats, sleep issues, gallbladder issues and GERD

How is it now?

Minimal night sweats, great sleep 7+ hours a night, gallbladder is now happy; I can even sleep on my right side without getting GERD, GERD symptoms are gone!

 by M.M

I was having migraines every week. I was throwing up constantly and on lots of medications. I was sent around from doctor to doctor not getting answers.

Now I haven't had any migraines in awhile and can't remember the last time I threw up. I have been able to start coming off medications and have been feeling way better.

 by A.R.

 I began my program at Paramount Wellness on December 29, 2022. I was hopeless, at a loss of what to do, how to live my life, how to find any sort of “normalcy.” My health had deteriorated so severely over the past couple of years, but at a much more rapid pace August – December 2022. Allergic reactions that made my face, eyes, lips, and nose puff up, sometimes for extended periods of time. I began carrying an epi-pen after two hospitalizations for anaphylactic shock. With no real indication as to why these were happening I went to a western allergist and tested allergic to many foods. After eliminating those and getting an environmental test, I tested for 33 out of 36 allergens. I was still having symptoms, I got even more food tests, I could essentially only eat meat without fear of a reaction. I was constantly doped up on huge amounts of Benadryl to try to manage symptoms, which took a huge toll on my mental health as well.

              I didn’t even know what they did here. I found this haven by looking up “nutritionist near me.” Just coming here to find some way to fuel my body with all of these restrictions. I’m an athlete, trainer, yoga instructor, and dancer, so it was so important to me. I arrived and got so much more. Lyric, Erika, and the staff here gave me hope. I was skeptical at first because I couldn’t see a way out, but Lyric believed so I implemented the measures they gave me and I couldn’t imagine the joy, relief, and freedom I have now. Today is November 21, 2023.

              I feel freedom in my life. I haven’t just learned to survive with my symptoms, I am thriving without them. I am able to eat most foods again without flare ups. I am joyous to report since beginning my program that I live without fearing allergic reactions. I thought I would never be able to travel again, but I went to Italy for two weeks and ate without restrictions or symptoms! I only had a couple of small flare ups throughout this year which were all quickly resolved by Paramount Wellness. It works. I am eternally grateful.

 by E.G.

I was tired all the time, with no explanation. Getting out of bed was a monumental task each morning and I had to take frequent naps. It made it hard to focus and do my job, and even just to enjoy daily life. I was also anxious and was always cold, wearing socks and sweatshirts around the house and to bed. 

Waking up in the morning is much easier and more pleasant now. I still get tired at time, but I can push through afternoon slumps without napping. I can tackle my daily to-do lists with less dread and more efficiency. My temperature regulation is much better and I rarely feel anxiety spikes. Generally I feel more like a “normal” human! 

 by M.K.

I started going to Paramount Wellness and seeing Dr. Erika in June of 2022. At that time I was barely functioning, my legs were very swollen so that it was difficult to even put shoes on, and I was fatigued and out of breath all the time.

Within a couple of weeks on the supplements she tested me for, I started feeling better and had more energy. I was able to take a trip to Florida last August and continued taking the supplements and checking in on the phone with Dr. Erika. The swelling in my legs completely went away and my primary doctor said I didn’t need to take Lasix, a diuretic, anymore. I have also been diabetic for about 10 years. I was taking a diabetes medicine for the last year. In May of 2023, I noticed I started feeling really sick and I suspected that it was the medicine that I no longer needed. The on-call doctor told me to stop taking it but to keep track of my sugar levels. A couple of weeks later the primary doctor tested for my A1c and said my diabetes was well-controlled with what I was doing (eating mostly organic foods and taking the supplements I got tested by Dr. Erika) and I did not need to take diabetes medicine!!!! Needless to say, but I’ll say it anyway, “I’m thrilled!!!!”

 by H.B

My blood pressure was very high, I had nerve sensitivity on my arms and legs, and my skin felt painful to touch. I had weight gain, bloating and tremors.  

I have seen dramatic improvement in all areas. I have lost over 20 pounds. My blood pressure is now in a much healthier range. My skin and nerve sensitivity has reduced dramatically. 

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