Are you suffering from inflammation?
Inflammation is the body’s way of trying to HEAL a tissue. It’s the body’s innate intelligence at play; sending blood cells and heat to burn up pathogens that are non-optimal so that healing can take place.
The problem with inflammation is that it gets out of hand. It’s the difference between a controlled burn and a raging fire. Poor diet and stress can act as stokers to the flame and when inflammation is out of control symptoms present and persist.
As inflammation progresses, it will begin to damage organs, tissues, arteries, and joints. If it is left unchecked, it can contribute to chronic diseases, such as heart disease, vascular issues, pain syndromes, diabetes, obesity, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic conditions.
The Meta-Oxy Testing Kit allows us to understand the degree to which inflammation is occurring in the body. The pink color will indicate how much cell membrane damage is occurring in the body. The cell membrane is the operating system of the cell and where cell membranes are unhealthy disease and sickness are eventual. Cellular damage is known as inflammation and it’s often called the “silent killer”.