720.460.0766 info@paramountwell.com 333 W. Hampden Avenue Suite 815 Englewood, CO 80110

Food Allergy/Food Sensitivity Testing

Food Allergies/Food Sensitivity Testing

Food allergies and/or sensitivities can be difficult to detect and even more challenging to understand. Most well-intentioned practitioners are utilizing laboratory testing in conjunction with elimination diets to help patients identify which foods they need to avoid. This can be laborious and time consuming and often leaves patients frustrated by the lack of options they have to eat in their diet. Many of the blood tests used are not specific enough which can lead to the avoidance of too many foods.

We use the Gut Zoomer and the Wheat Zoomer test to give us the most accurate and specific food sensitivity testing via stool and blood testing.

We also utilize Nutrition Response Testing℠ procedures so we can fine tune further which foods are most important for you to be avoiding and address underlying causes to food sensitivities/allergies which are often left unaddressed by elimination diets alone. With time we ultimately reverse the worst of food sensitivities so that a comprehensive diet can be consumed.